Source code for palmari.quot.trajUtils

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" -- functions to compute some common values on 

# Numeric
import numpy as np 

# Uniform filter
from scipy.ndimage import uniform_filter 

# DataFrames
import pandas as pd 


[docs]def traj_length(trajs): """ Compute the number of localizations corresponding to each trajectory. Unassigned localizations (with a trajectory index of -1) are given traj_len = 0. args ---- trajs : pandas.DataFrame, localizations with the 'trajectory' column returns ------- pandas.DataFrame, the same dataframe with "traj_len" column """ # Remove traj_len column if it already exists if "traj_len" in trajs.columns: trajs = trajs.drop("traj_len", axis=1) # Get the lengths trajs = trajs.join( trajs.groupby("trajectory").size().rename("traj_len"), on="trajectory" ) # Unassigned localizations are given a traj_len of 0 trajs.loc[trajs['trajectory']==-1, 'traj_len'] = 0 return trajs
[docs]def radial_disps(trajs, pixel_size_um=0.16, first_only=False): """ Calculate the 2D radial displacement of each jump in every trajectory. args ---- trajs : pandas.DataFrame pixel_size_um : float, size of pixels first_only : float, only compute the first displacement of each trajectory returns ------- pandas.DataFrame, with the new column 'radial_disp_um' """ # If handed an empty dataframe, assign a dead column if len(trajs) == 0: trajs['radial_disp_um'] = [] # Order by ascending trajectory, frame trajs = trajs.sort_values(by=['trajectory', 'frame']) # Filter out singlets if not "traj_len" in trajs.columns: trajs = traj_length(trajs) F0 = np.logical_and(trajs['trajectory']>=0, trajs['traj_len']>1) # If no locs remain, return all NaN if F0.sum() == 0: trajs['radial_disp_um'] = np.nan # Format as ndarray for speed S = np.asarray(trajs.loc[F0, ['trajectory', 'frame', 'y', 'x']]) # Compute Cartesian displacements D = S[1:,:] - S[:-1,:] # Add extra row at the end for indexing purposes (there is one # fewer row in D than in S) D = np.concatenate((D, np.array([[1, 1, 1, 1]])), axis=0) # Take all displacements that originate from the same trajectory # and from a single frame interval F1 = np.logical_and(D[:,0]==0, D[:,1]==1) # If no disps remain, return all NaN if F1.sum() == 0: trajs['radial_disp_um'] = np.nan # Compute radial displacements R = np.full(F0.sum(), np.nan) R[F1] = np.sqrt((D[F1, 2:]**2).sum(axis=1)) # Assign to the corresponding rows in the original dataframe trajs.loc[F0, "radial_disp_um"] = R # If desired, only used the first jump from each trajectory if first_only: trajs["_ones"] = 1 trajs["_first_loc"] = trajs.groupby("trajectory")["_ones"].cumsum()==1 trajs.loc[~trajs['_first_loc'], 'radial_disp_um'] = np.nan trajs = trajs.drop(['_ones', '_first_loc'], axis=1) # Scale into um trajs['radial_disp_um'] = trajs['radial_disp_um'] * pixel_size_um return trajs
[docs]def radial_disp_histograms(trajs, n_intervals=1, pixel_size_um=0.16, first_only=False, n_gaps=0, bin_size=0.001, max_disp=5.0): """ Calculate radial displacement histograms for a set of trajectories. args ---- trajs : pandas.DataFrame n_intervals : int, the maximum number of frames over which to compute displacements pixel_size_um : float, size of pixels (um) first_only : bool, only take the displacements relative to the first point of each trajectory n_gaps : int, the number of gaps allowed in tracking bin_size : float, the spatial bin size in um max_disp : float, maximum displacement to consider returns ------- ( 2D ndarray of shape (n_intervals, n_bins), the radial displacements in each bin for each interval; 1D ndarray of shape (n_bins+1), the edges of the displacement bins in um ) """ # Filter out localizations not assigned to a trajectory, or # trajectories that are length 1 trajs = traj_length(trajs) T = trajs.loc[ (trajs['trajectory']>=0) & (trajs['traj_len']>1), : ].copy() # Add a column that indicates whether each localization is # the first in the corresponding trajectory (computed later) T['first_in_traj'] = 0 # Order the trajectories by ascending frame / trajectory indices. # Trajectories are grouped together, and frames are ascending within # each trajectory group T = T.sort_values(by=['trajectory', 'frame']) # Take only the columns we care about in an ndarray. The operations # we will perform with ndarrays are much faster than their pandas # dataframe equivalents X = np.asarray(T[['frame', 'trajectory', 'y', 'x', 'first_in_traj']]) # Determine which localizations are the first in their respective # trajectories X[0,4] = 1.0 X[1:,4] = ((X[1:,1] - X[:-1,1])>0).astype('float64') # Set up the binning scheme bin_edges = np.arange(0.0, max_disp+bin_size, bin_size) # Set up the output histogram H = np.zeros((n_intervals, bin_edges.shape[0]-1), dtype=np.int64) # In order to capture every possible displacement in the presence # of gaps, we need to check enough delays for the maximum interval # (n_intervals) with the maximum number of gaps between every # frame. n_delays = n_intervals * (n_gaps+1) for delay in range(1, n_delays+1): # Take the displacements D = X[delay:,:] - X[:-delay,:] # We're only interested in displacements between localizations # in the same trajectory in_same_traj = D[:,1] == 0 # Check for displacements matching any of the desired frame # intervals for interval in range(1, n_intervals+1): if first_only: match = (D[:,0]==interval) & (D[:,4]==-1) & in_same_traj else: match = (D[:,0]==interval) & in_same_traj # Check if there are any displacements that match these # criteria if match.sum() > 0: # Get the radial displacements disps = np.sqrt((D[match,2:4]**2).sum(axis=1)) * pixel_size_um # Bin these into a histogram H_int, _edges = np.histogram(disps, bins=bin_edges) # Accumulate into the histogram H[interval-1,:] = H[interval-1,:] + H_int # Return the histogram and the accompanying set of bin # definitions return H, bin_edges
[docs]def get_max_gap(trajs): """ Return the maximum gap present in a set of trajectories. args ---- trajs : pandas.DataFrame returns ------- int, the maximum gap present. For instance, 1 means that trajectories have no gaps (1 frame interval). """ trajs = trajs.sort_values(by=['trajectory', 'frame']) X = np.asarray(trajs[['frame', 'trajectory']]) D = X[1:,:] - X[:-1,:] in_same_traj = D[:,1]==0 return int(D[in_same_traj, 0].max())
[docs]def get_spots_per_frame(trajs): """ Return the number of spots per frame. Parameters ---------- trajs : pandas.DataFrame, localizations Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame, indexed by frame between 0 and the max frame index in *trajs*. The column encoding the number of spots per frame is "n_spots_per_frame". """ if trajs.empty: return pd.DataFrame([], columns=["n_spots_per_frame"]) result = pd.DataFrame( index=pd.Series(np.arange(0, trajs['frame'].max()+1)), columns=["n_spots_per_frame"] ) # Calculate the number of spots per frame result["n_spots_per_frame"] = trajs.groupby("frame").size() # Account for frames that do not exist in the input dataframe result["n_spots_per_frame"] = result["n_spots_per_frame"].fillna(0) # Format as 64-bit integer result["n_spots_per_frame"] = result["n_spots_per_frame"].astype(np.int64) return result
[docs]def filter_on_spots_per_frame(trajs, max_spots_per_frame=10, filter_kernel=21): """ Mask a set of localizations by the total number of localizations in the corresponding frame. This function does the following: 1. Take a set of localizations. 2. Calculate the number of localizations in each frame. 3. Smooth this signal with a uniform kernel of size *filter_kernel*. 4. Get the set of frames with total # of spots below *max_spots_per_frame*. 5. Mark each localization in these frames with *True*, and otherwise with *False*. args ---- trajs : pandas.DataFrame, localizations max_spots_per_frame : int, the maximum number of spots tolerated per frame filter_kernel : int, the size of the smoothing kernel. If *None*, no smoothing is performed. returns ------- pandas.Series with index *trajs.index*. True if the corresponding localization passed the filter. """ # Calculate the number of spots per frame spots_per_frame = get_spots_per_frame(trajs) # Smooth the signal, if desired if not filter_kernel is None: spots_per_frame = uniform_filter( spots_per_frame.astype(np.float64), filter_kernel ) # Get the set of frames that pass the filter acceptable = (spots_per_frame <= max_spots_per_frame).nonzero()[0] return trajs["frame"].isin(acceptable)