Source code for palmari.quot.measureGain

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" -- measure camera gain and BG with a simple
linear gain model

# Numeric
import numpy as np 

# Fit gain model with LS
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit 

# Image file reader
from .read import ImageReader 

# Plotting utilities
from .plot import plot_pixel_mean_variance

[docs]def measure_camera_gain(*nd2_files, start_frame=100, plot=True): """ Measure the camera gain and offset from a set of background movies. These can be used as the "camera_gain" and "camera_bg" arguments for localization settings, allowing the user to retrieve the PSF intensities in terms of photons rather than grayvalues. Each file in *nd2_files* should be a movie of an unlabeled, defocused, empty coverslip. Nothing should be movie, blinking, or exhibiting anything other than the ordinary camera noise. The movie should be acquired with exactly the same camera/stroboscopic settings as the SPT movies. Ideally, each movie in *nd2_files* should use a different level of illumination, which facilitates more accurate measurement of the gain. The method uses a pure Poisson noise model that is most applicable to EMCCD cameras. args ---- nd2_files : variable number of str, background movies start_frame : int, the first frame in each movie to consider. This prevents photobleaching in the early frames from influencing the result. returns ------- dict, floats keyed to "camera_gain" and "camera_bg" """ means, variances = [], [] for i, nd2_file in enumerate(nd2_files): # Determine whether there are enough frames in this movie reader = ImageReader(nd2_file) if reader.n_frames <= start_frame: print("Warning: file {} only has {} frames".format(nd2_file, reader.n_frames)) reader.close() continue # Accumulate pixel means and variances for this movie I = np.zeros((reader.height, reader.width), dtype=np.float64) I2 = np.zeros((reader.height, reader.width), dtype=np.float64) n_frames = reader.n_frames - start_frame for frame_idx in range(start_frame, reader.n_frames): frame = reader.get_frame(frame_idx) I += frame/n_frames I2 += (frame**2)/n_frames reader.close() # Pixel variance I2 -= (I**2) # Append to the global list of means / variances means.append(I.ravel().copy()) variances.append(I2.ravel().copy()) # Flatten means_flat = np.concatenate(means) variances_flat = np.concatenate(variances) def linear_model(pixel_mean, gain, bg): """ Given pixel mean, return pixel variance given a particular *gain* and *bg*. """ return gain * (pixel_mean - bg) # Fit observed means and variances to a linear gain model popt, pcov = curve_fit(linear_model, means_flat, variances_flat, bounds=(np.array([0, 0]), np.array([np.inf, np.inf])), p0=np.array([100.0, 400.0])) # Show the result to the user if plot: plot_pixel_mean_variance(means, variances, origin_files=nd2_files, model_gain=popt[0], model_bg=popt[1]) return dict(( ("camera_gain", popt[0]), ("camera_bg", popt[1]) ))