Source code for palmari.image_tools.localization

from typing import Any
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import convolve2d
from skimage.morphology import square
from skimage.feature import peak_local_max
from scipy.ndimage import convolve1d
from dask_image.ndfilters import percentile_filter
import pandas as pd
from math import factorial
import warnings
import logging
import dask.array as da
import dask.dataframe as dd
from dask import delayed
from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar

[docs]def lsradialcenterfit(m, b, w): """ Adapted from Matlab code found in Least squares solution to determine the radial symmetry center. Inputs m, b, w are defined on a grid. w are the weights for each point. """ wm2p1 = w / (m * m + 1) sw = np.sum(wm2p1) smmw = np.sum(m * m * wm2p1) smw = np.sum(m * wm2p1) smbw = np.sum(m * b * wm2p1) sbw = np.sum(b * wm2p1) det = smw * smw - smmw * sw assert det != 0 xc = (smbw * sw - smw * sbw) / det # relative to image center yc = (smbw * smw - smmw * sbw) / det # relative to image centerc assert ~np.isnan(xc) assert ~np.isnan(yc) return xc, yc
[docs]def radialCenter(I): Ny, Nx = I.shape assert Nx % 2 == 1 assert Ny % 2 == 1 nx = Nx // 2 ny = Ny // 2 # Nx and Ny must be even xm, ym = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-nx, nx) + 0.5, np.arange(-ny, ny) + 0.5) assert xm.shape[0] % 2 == 0 # dIdu = I(1:Ny-1,2:Nx)-I(2:Ny,1:Nx-1); # dIdv = I(1:Ny-1,1:Nx-1)-I(2:Ny,2:Nx); # dIdu = I[1:, :-1]-I[:-1, 1:] # dIdv = I[:-1, :-1]-I[1:, 1:] dIdu = I[:-1, 1:] - I[1:, :-1] dIdv = I[:-1, :-1] - I[1:, 1:] h = np.ones((3, 3)) h /= np.sum(h) fdu = convolve2d(dIdu, h, mode="same") fdv = convolve2d(dIdv, h, mode="same") dImag2 = fdu**2 + fdv**2 m = -(fdv + fdu) / (fdu - fdv) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") unsmoothed_m = -(dIdu + dIdv) / (dIdu - dIdv) m[np.isnan(m)] = unsmoothed_m[np.isnan(m)] m[np.isnan(m)] = 0.0 m[np.isinf(m)] = 1 * np.max(m[~np.isinf(m)]) assert np.sum(np.isnan(m)) == 0 b = ym - m * xm sdI2 = np.sum(dImag2) xcentroid = np.sum(dImag2 * xm) / sdI2 ycentroid = np.sum(dImag2 * ym) / sdI2 w = dImag2 / np.sqrt( (xm - xcentroid) * (xm - xcentroid) + (ym - ycentroid) * (ym - ycentroid) ) xc, yc = lsradialcenterfit(m, b, w) xc = xc + nx yc = yc + ny Isub = I - np.min(I) px, py = np.meshgrid(Nx, Ny) xoffset = px - xc yoffset = py - yc r2 = xoffset * xoffset + yoffset * yoffset sigma = ( np.sqrt(np.sum(Isub * r2) / np.sum(Isub)) / 2 ) # % second moment is 2*Gaussian width return yc, xc, sigma
[docs]def phaser(ROI: np.array): """Adapted from Args: ROI (np.array): 2D array on which to run the dubpixel localization. Returns: tuple: x, y, sigma. in pixels. """ ROIradius = ROI.shape[-1] // 2 # Perform 2D Fourier transform over the complete ROI ROI_F = np.fft.fft2(ROI) # We have to calculate the phase angle of array entries [0,1] and [1,0] for # the sub-pixel x and y values, respectively # This phase angle can be calculated as follows: xangle = np.arctan(ROI_F[0, 1].imag / ROI_F[0, 1].real) - np.pi # Correct in case it's positive if xangle > 0: xangle -= 2 * np.pi # Calculate position based on the ROI radius PositionX = abs(xangle) / (2 * np.pi / (ROIradius * 2 + 1)) + 0.5 # Do the same for the Y angle and position yangle = np.arctan(ROI_F[1, 0].imag / ROI_F[1, 0].real) - np.pi if yangle > 0: yangle -= 2 * np.pi PositionY = abs(yangle) / (2 * np.pi / (ROIradius * 2 + 1)) + 0.5 return PositionX, PositionY, 1.0
[docs]def plus_func(x, n): if x < 0: return 0 if x == 0 and n == 0: return 0.5 if x > 0 and n == 0: return 1 else: return x**n
[docs]def b_splines(x, scale, order): x_ = x / scale n = order b = 0.0 for k in range(n + 2): increment = ( ((-1) ** k) * (n + 1) / (factorial(n + 1 - k) * factorial(k)) ) increment *= plus_func(x_ - k + (n + 1) / 2, n) b += increment return b
[docs]def sliding_window_filter( data: da.Array, percentile: float = 10, window_size: int = 100 ): percent = percentile_filter( data, percentile=percentile, size=(window_size, 1, 1), mode="reflect" ) clipped = (data - percent).clip(0.0) return clipped
[docs]def make_filters(scale, order, L): # H0, H1, H2 = 3.0 / 8, 1.0 / 4, 1.0 / 16 # g1 = np.array([H2, H1, H0, H1, H2]) # g2 = np.array([H2, 0.0, H1, 0.0, H0, 0.0, H1, 0.0, H2]) # L = 3 # Le filter est de taille 2*L - 1 values = [b_splines(x, scale, order) for x in np.arange(L)] g1 = np.concatenate([values[1:][::-1], values], axis=0) g1 /= np.sum(g1) g2 = np.array( [0.0 if i % 2 == 1 else g1[i // 2] for i in range(2 * len(g1) - 1)] ) return g1, g2
[docs]def SMLM_filtering(data, filter_size, scale): g1, g2 = make_filters(scale=scale, order=3, L=filter_size) V0 = data V1 = convolve1d(convolve1d(V0, g1, axis=1), g1, axis=2) assert V1.shape == data.shape V2 = convolve1d(convolve1d(V1, g2, axis=1), g2, axis=2) return V0, V1, V2
[docs]def SMLM_localization( data: np.ndarray, factor: float = 1.0, filter_size: int = 3, scale: float = 2.0, verbose: bool = False, return_all: bool = False, subpixel_mode: str = "radial", frame_start: int = 0, # shift frame index by this ): logging.debug( "Getting localizations on data of shape %d %d %d" % data.shape ) V0, V1, V2 = SMLM_filtering(data, filter_size, scale=scale) F1 = V0 - V1 F2 = V1 - V2 stdF1 = np.reshape( np.std(F1, axis=(1, 2)), (-1, 1, 1) ) # 1 value per image structure = np.stack( [np.zeros((3, 3)), square(3), np.zeros((3, 3))], axis=0 ) structure = np.array(structure, dtype=int) R_detection = 3 R_fit = 5 # Possible de faire marcher ça sans boucle for ? # Detection de pics locaux d'intensité # CF la thèse de Thunderstorm pour les explications logging.debug("Looking for objects") with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=FutureWarning) is_peak = np.copy(F2 < -np.inf) # Initialize all cells with 0 assert np.sum(is_peak * 1) == 0 for frame in range(F2.shape[0]): peak_idx = peak_local_max( F2[frame], threshold_abs=factor * stdF1[frame], min_distance=2 * R_detection - 1, exclude_border=max(R_detection, R_fit) + 1, ) is_peak[frame][tuple(peak_idx.T)] = True logging.debug("Found %d objects" % np.sum(is_peak * 1)) ts, xs, ys = np.where(is_peak) ts, xs, ys = list(ts), list(xs), list(ys) spots = {} subpixel_loc = radialCenter if subpixel_mode == "phaser": subpixel_loc = phaser for i, indices in enumerate(zip(ts, xs, ys)): t, x, y = indices x_min, x_max = x - R_fit, x + R_fit y_min, y_max = y - R_fit, y + R_fit img = data[t, x_min : (x_max + 1), y_min : (y_max + 1)] if img.shape != (2 * R_fit + 1, 2 * R_fit + 1): continue try: ratio = ( np.max(F2[t, x_min : (x_max + 1), y_min : (y_max + 1)]) / stdF1[t, 0, 0] ) except: logging.debug(F2[t].shape) logging.debug(x_min, x_max) logging.debug(y_min, y_max) raise assert img.shape[0] == 1 + x_max - x_min assert img.shape[1] == 1 + y_max - y_min with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) xc, yc, sigma = subpixel_loc(img) spot = {} spot["frame"] = int(t + frame_start) spot["x"] = float(xc + x_min) spot["y"] = float(yc + y_min) spot["ratio"] = ratio spot["sigma"] = sigma spot["total_intensity"] = np.sum(img) spots[i] = spot spots = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(spots, orient="index") if return_all: return spots, is_peak, F2 else: return spots