Source code for palmari.processing.steps.drift_corrector

from .base import *
from ...tif_tools.correct_drift import correct_drift
from dask_image.ndfilters import gaussian_filter
from .quot_localizer import BaseDetector, MaxLikelihoodLocalizer
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter1d
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

[docs]class CorrelationDriftCorrector(LocProcessor): widget_type = {"max_n_bins": "Spinner", "min_n_locs_per_bin": "Spinner"} widget_options = { "max_n_bins": { "min": 2, "max": 50, "label": "Bins", "tooltip": "Maximum number of bins. One shift per bin will be computed.", }, "min_n_locs_per_bin": { "min": 100, "max": int(1e7), "step": 1000, "label": "Locs / bin", "tooltip": "Minimum number of localizations per bin", }, } def __init__(self, min_n_locs_per_bin: int = 10000, max_n_bins: int = 20): self.min_n_locs_per_bin = min_n_locs_per_bin self.max_n_bins = max_n_bins
[docs] def process( self, mov: da.Array, locs: pd.DataFrame, pixel_size: float ) -> pd.DataFrame:"Correcting drift iteration #1/2") df, shift_1 = correct_drift( locs, L=0.2, step_size=0.03, min_n_locs_per_bin=self.min_n_locs_per_bin, max_n_bins=self.max_n_bins, )"Correcting drift iteration #2/2") df, shift_2 = correct_drift( df, L=0.05, step_size=0.01, min_n_locs_per_bin=self.min_n_locs_per_bin, max_n_bins=self.max_n_bins, ) # this causes a crash # plt.figure() # plt.plot(df["frame"], df["shift_x"], label="x shift") # plt.plot(df["frame"], df["shift_y"], label="y shift") # plt.legend() # return df
@property def name(self): return "Correlation-based drift corrector" @property def action_name(self): return "Correct drift"
[docs]class BeadDriftCorrector(LocProcessor): widget_types = {"sigma": "FloatSpinBox"} widget_options = { "sigma": { "min": 2, "max": 50, "label": "Bead radius (in pixels)", }, } def __init__(self, sigma: int = 3): self.sigma = sigma self._n_frames = ( 100 # Width of the Gaussian kernel along the 'frame' axis )
[docs] def process( self, mov: da.Array, locs: pd.DataFrame, pixel_size: float ) -> pd.DataFrame: k = 10 threshold_mov = (mov / mov.max(axis=(1, 2), keepdims=True)).astype( float ) gaussian_mov = gaussian_filter( threshold_mov, sigma=(self._n_frames, self.sigma, self.sigma), mode="nearest", truncate=3, )[::k] detector = BaseDetector( k=self.sigma, w=int(10 * self.sigma) + 1, t=10.0 ) detections = detector.process(gaussian_mov) localizer = MaxLikelihoodLocalizer( window_size=int(6 * self.sigma) + 1, sigma=self.sigma ) _pos = localizer.process(gaussian_mov, detections) bead_pos = ( (_pos.sort_values("I0", ascending=False).groupby("frame").first()) .reset_index() .sort_values("frame") ) bead_pos["frame"] = (bead_pos["frame"] - 1) * k + 1 shift = bead_pos[["x", "y"]].values * pixel_size # print("Shift std :") # print(_pos[["x", "y"]].std(axis=0)) # print("Locs std : ") # print(locs[["x", "y"]].std(axis=0)) shift = shift - shift[0] t = bead_pos["frame"].values plt.figure() plt.plot(t, shift[:, 0], label="shift") f = interp1d(t, shift, kind="linear", axis=0, fill_value="extrapolate") computed_shift = f(locs["frame"]) plt.plot(locs["frame"], computed_shift[:, 0], label="computed") plt.legend() locs[["x", "y"]] -= computed_shift return locs
@property def name(self): return "Bead-based drift corrector" @property def action_name(self): return "Correct drift with bead"