Source code for palmari.data_structure.acquisition

from __future__ import annotations
import json
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, List
import os
import warnings
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import trackpy as tp
import logging
from glob import glob
import dask_image.imread
import dask.array as da
import dask_image.ndfilters
from skimage.filters import sato, threshold_local

from ..tif_tools.intensity import mean_intensity_center
from ..tif_tools.correct_drift import correct_drift
from ..tif_tools.localization import localize_movie

    from .experiment import Experiment
    from ..processing.tif_pipeline import TifPipeline

[docs]class Acquisition: """ An acquisition corresponds to a PALM movie. It is part of an :py:class:`Experiment`, and bound to a :py:class:`TifPipeline` with which it is processed. """ def __init__( self, tif_file, experiment: Experiment, tif_pipeline: TifPipeline, ): self.tif_file = tif_file self.tif_pipeline = tif_pipeline self.experiment = experiment self.export_root = os.path.join( self.experiment.export_folder,, ".".join(self.tif_file.split(".")[:-1]), ) logging.debug( "export_root : file %s -> %s" % (self.tif_file, self.export_root) ) export_parent_folder = os.sep.join(self.export_root.split(os.sep)[:-1]) os.makedirs(export_parent_folder, exist_ok=True) @property def image(self) -> da.Array: """ The actual movie, loaded with Dask. Returns: da.Array: the movie. """ if not hasattr(self, "_image"):"Loading tif file %s" % self.tif_file) # self._image = tifffile.imread( with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") self._image = dask_image.imread.imread( os.path.join(self.experiment.data_folder, self.tif_file), nframes=300, ) return self._image
[docs] def get_property(self, col: str) -> Any: """Access an acquisition's property, read from its experiment's index table. Args: col (str): name of the index table column to look into Returns: Any: value of the corresponding row x column in the experiment's index table """ df = self.experiment.index_df return df.loc[df.file == self.tif_file, col].values[0]
@property def ID(self) -> str: return self.get_property("ID") def _clean_locs_table(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: for c in ["frame", "x", "y", "t"]: assert c in df.columns, "%s not in columns" % c all_cols = list(df.columns) for c in all_cols: if "Unnamed" in c: del df[c] assert ( df.shape[0] == df.index.nunique() ), "There are duplicate indices in the locs table" return df @property def locs(self) -> pd.DataFrame: if not hasattr(self, "_locs"): try: df = pd.read_csv(self.locs_path) self._locs = self._clean_locs_table(df) except FileNotFoundError: print( "This acquisition wasn't localized. Or perhaps with another Pipeline ?" ) return None return self._locs @locs.setter def locs(self, value): if hasattr(self, "_raw_locs"): assert ( self._raw_locs.shape[0] == value.shape[0] ), "Locs and raw_locs must have the same shape" value = self._clean_locs_table(value) value.to_csv(self.locs_path) self._locs = value @property def locs_path(self) -> str: if not hasattr(self, "_locs_path"): self._locs_path = self.export_root + ".locs" return self._locs_path @property def raw_locs(self) -> pd.DataFrame: if not hasattr(self, "_raw_locs"): raw_locs_path = self.raw_locs_path if os.path.exists(raw_locs_path): df = pd.read_csv(raw_locs_path) self._raw_locs = self._clean_locs_table(df) else: self.localize() return self._raw_locs @raw_locs.setter def raw_locs(self, value): value = self._clean_locs_table(value) value.to_csv(self.raw_locs_path) self._raw_locs = value @property def raw_locs_path(self) -> str: if not hasattr(self, "_raw_locs_path"): self._raw_locs_path = self.export_root + ".raw_locs" return self._raw_locs_path @property def intensity(self) -> pd.DataFrame: if not hasattr(self, "_intensity"): loaded = False intensity_path = self.intensity_path if os.path.exists(intensity_path): self._intensity = pd.read_csv(intensity_path) loaded = True if not loaded: self.compute_intensity() return self._intensity @property def intensity_path(self) -> str: if not hasattr(self, "_intensity_path"): self._intensity_path = self.export_root + ".int" return self._intensity_path @property def tubeness(self) -> np.array: if not hasattr(self, "_tubeness"): loaded = False tubeness_path = self.tubeness_path if os.path.exists(tubeness_path): self._tubeness = np.load(tubeness_path) loaded = True if not loaded: self.compute_tubeness() return self._tubeness @property def tubeness_path(self) -> str: if not hasattr(self, "_tubeness_path"): self._tubeness_path = self.export_root + ".tubeness" return self._tubeness_path @property def is_processed(self) -> bool: return ( self.is_localized and self.is_tracked ) # and self.intensity_is_computed @property def is_localized(self) -> bool: return os.path.exists(self.raw_locs_path) @property def intensity_is_computed(self) -> bool: return os.path.exists(self.intensity_path) @property def tubeness_is_computed(self) -> bool: return os.path.exists(self.tubeness_path) @property def drift_is_corrected(self) -> bool: return os.path.exists(self.locs_path) @property def is_tracked(self): if not self.drift_is_corrected: return False locs_path = self.locs_path df = pd.read_csv(locs_path, nrows=10) return "n" in df.columns @property def polygon_folder(self) -> str: if not hasattr(self, "_acq_poly_path"): base = self.experiment.export_folder acq_ID = self.get_property("ID") poly_path = os.path.join(base, "polygons") if not os.path.exists(poly_path): os.mkdir(poly_path) self._acq_poly_path = os.path.join(poly_path, acq_ID) if not os.path.exists(self._acq_poly_path): os.mkdir(self._acq_poly_path) return self._acq_poly_path @property def polygon_files(self) -> List: return glob(os.path.join(self.polygon_folder, "*.polygon"))
[docs] def add_columns_to_loc(self, columns: pd.DataFrame, save: bool = False): for c in columns.columns: if c in self._locs.columns: del self._locs[c] self._locs = self._locs.merge( columns[[c]], left_index=True, right_index=True, how="left" ) if save: self._save_locs()
[docs] def add_traj_cols_to_locs(self, traj_columns: pd.DataFrame): """ traj_columns is a dataframe whose index corresponds to the 'n' column (traj ID) We merge it with the locs dataframe """ to_delete_cols = [ c for c in traj_columns.columns if c in self._locs.columns ] for col in to_delete_cols: del self._locs[col] self._locs = self._locs.merge( traj_columns, left_on="n", right_index=True, how="left" )
[docs] def compute_intensity(self): if not self.intensity_is_computed: self._intensity = mean_intensity_center(self.image) self._save_intensity() else:"%s : intensity is already computed" % self.tif_file)
def _save_intensity(self): storage_path = self.intensity_path self._intensity.to_csv(storage_path, index=False) "Stored Intensity of ROI %s at path %s" % (self.tif_file, storage_path) )
[docs] def compute_tubeness(self): if not self.tubeness_is_computed: self._compute_tubeness() self._save_tubeness() else:"%s : tubeness was already processed" % self.tif_file)
def _compute_tubeness(self): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") mean = self.image[::10].mean(axis=0) mean_intensity = mean.compute() tubeness = sato( np.log10(mean_intensity), sigmas=3.0, black_ridges=False ) tubeness_threshold = threshold_local(tubeness, 31) tubeness_mask = tubeness > tubeness_threshold self._tubeness = tubeness_mask def _save_tubeness(self): storage_path = self.tubeness_path, self._tubeness)"Saved tubeness at %s" % storage_path)
[docs] def localize(self): if not self.is_localized:"Running localization for file %s" % self.tif_file) self._localize(**self.tif_pipeline.params.loc_params) self._save_raw_locs() else: "Localization step has already been done for file %s" % self.tif_file )
def _localize( self, threshold, sliding_window_filter, subpixel_mode, **args ): data = self.image self._raw_locs = localize_movie( data, progress_bar=True, verbose=False, sliding_filter=sliding_window_filter, factor=threshold, subpixel_mode=subpixel_mode, ) self._raw_locs["t"] = self._raw_locs["frame"] * self.experiment.DT self._raw_locs[ ["x", "y"] ] *= self.experiment.pixel_size # x, y are in um N = self._raw_locs.shape[0] T = data.shape[0]"==== %d locs\t %.2f / frame" % (N, N / T)) def _save_raw_locs(self): storage_path = self.raw_locs_path self._raw_locs.to_csv(storage_path, index=False) "Stored raw locs of ROI %s at path %s" % (self.tif_file, storage_path) )
[docs] def correct_drift(self): if not self.drift_is_corrected: if self.tif_pipeline.params.loc_params["correct_drift"] == True: self._correct_drift() else: self._locs = self.raw_locs self._save_locs() else: "Drift correction step has already been done for file %s" % self.tif_file )
def _correct_drift(self):"Correcting drift iteration #1/2") df, self._shift_1 = correct_drift(self.raw_locs, L=0.2, step_size=0.03)"Correcting drift iteration #2/2") self._locs, self._shift_2 = correct_drift(df, L=0.05, step_size=0.01) def _save_locs(self): storage_path = self.locs_path self._locs.to_csv(storage_path, index=False) "Stored locs of ROI %s at path %s" % (self.tif_file, storage_path) )
[docs] def track(self): if not self.is_tracked:"Running tracking for file %s" % self.tif_file) self._track(**self.tif_pipeline.params.track_params) self._save_locs() else: "Tracking was already done for file %s" % self.tif_file )
def _track(self, mode, max_diffusivity): if mode == "trackpy": self._track_trackpy(max_diffusivity) else: raise "Unknown tracking mode %s" % mode def _track_trackpy(self, max_diffusivity): max_radius = np.sqrt(2 * max_diffusivity * self.experiment.DT)"Starting to track %d localisations" % self.locs.shape[0])"Max radius is %.2f" % max_radius) tracks = self.locs, search_range=max_radius, link_strategy="drop" ) self._locs["n"] = tracks["particle"] traj_length = self._locs.n.value_counts() n_long_trajs = (traj_length >= 7).sum() "Found %d long trajectories for file %s" % (n_long_trajs, self.tif_file) ) # EXPLOITATION OF TRACKS AND LOCS
[docs] def trajectories_list( self, min_length: int = 7, return_indices: bool = True, filter: Callable = None, ): """ Returns a list of trajectories whose length is above a given threshold, possibly filtered according to the locs they're based on Args: min_length (int, optional): Defaults to 7. return_indices (bool, optional): Whether to return indices ('n' column of the locs DataFrame) along with coordinates. Defaults to True. filter (Callable, optional): Callable, which takes as input the locs DataFrame and returns a boolean Series with the same index. Defaults to None. Returns: _type_: either a list of trajectories, or a tuple containing this same list and the list of indices """ if filter is not None: df = pd.DataFrame(index=self.locs.index) df["n"] = self.locs.n df["cond"] = filter(self.locs) # The filter is applied point by point # Then we make sure to only select trajectories fo which all points pass the filter cond = df.groupby("n")["cond"].min() cond = self.locs.n.isin(cond[cond].index.tolist()) else: cond = ~self.locs.x.isnull() traj_length = self.locs.loc[cond].n.value_counts() good_trajs = traj_length.loc[traj_length >= min_length].index.tolist() indices = [] trajs = [] for n, traj in ( self.locs.loc[self.locs.n.isin(good_trajs)] .sort_values(["n", "t"]) .groupby("n") ): indices.append(n) trajs.append(traj[["x", "y"]].values) to_return = (trajs,) if return_indices: to_return = to_return + (indices,) return to_return
[docs] def get_traj(self, n: int): return ( self.locs.loc[self.locs.n == n].sort_values("t")[["x", "y"]].values )
[docs] def basic_stats(self): stats = {} stats["file"] = self.tif_file stats["n_frames"] = self.locs.frame.max() stats["duration"] = stats["n_frames"] * self.experiment.DT # the above is not exactly true, but is much faster than what's below # self.image.shape[0] if not self.is_processed: return stats stats["n_locs"] = self.locs.shape[0] traj_length = self.locs.n.value_counts() for L in [4, 7, 10, 15, 25]: stats["n_trajs_%d" % L] = (traj_length >= L).sum() return stats
[docs] def view( self, min_traj_length=1, polygon_ID_col: str = None, short_for_tests: bool = False, contrast_limits: tuple = (100, 500), ): import napari viewer = napari.viewer.Viewer(title=os.path.dirname(self.tif_file)) viewer.add_image( self.image[:1000] if short_for_tests else self.image, name=self.tif_file.split("/")[-1], multiscale=False, contrast_limits=contrast_limits, scale=(1, self.experiment.pixel_size, self.experiment.pixel_size), ) if self.locs is not None: self.view_points(viewer, polygon_ID_col=polygon_ID_col) self.view_tracks( viewer, min_length=min_traj_length, polygon_ID_col=polygon_ID_col, ) self.view_polygons(viewer)
[docs] def view_points( self, viewer=None, polygon_ID_col: str = None, subsample: int = None ): if viewer is None: import napari viewer = napari.viewer.Viewer() locs = self.locs.copy() if subsample is not None and subsample < locs.shape[0]: locs = locs.sample(subsample) points = locs[["frame", "x", "y"]].copy() # points[["x","y"]] /= self.pixel_size props = {"frame": points["frame"].values} for c in ["abs_density", "norm_density"]: if c in locs.columns: props[c] = locs[c].values"Adding property %s" % c) if polygon_ID_col is not None and polygon_ID_col in locs.columns: props[polygon_ID_col] = pd.Categorical( locs[polygon_ID_col].fillna("no") ).codes"Adding polygon tags") viewer.add_points( points, size=0.15, face_color="frame", symbol="x", properties=props, edge_width=0.03, # edge_color="#dd3333", name="locs (adjusted)", ) points = self.raw_locs.loc[locs.index, ["frame", "x", "y"]].copy() # points[["x","y"]] /= self.pixel_size viewer.add_points( points, size=0.15, symbol="x", face_color="frame", edge_width=0.03, # edge_color="#3333dd", name="locs (unadjusted)", properties=props, visible=False, )
[docs] def view_tracks( self, viewer=None, min_length=1, polygon_ID_col: str = None ): if viewer is None: import napari viewer = napari.viewer.Viewer() traj_length = self.locs.n.value_counts() good_trajs = traj_length.loc[traj_length >= min_length].index.tolist() tracks = self.locs.loc[ self.locs.n.isin(good_trajs), ].copy() # tracks = self.compute_tracks_displacement(tracks) # tracks[["x","y"]] /= self.pixel_size tracks["t"] = tracks["frame"].astype(int) props = {"time": tracks["t"].values} if polygon_ID_col is not None and polygon_ID_col in tracks.columns: props[polygon_ID_col] = pd.Categorical( tracks[polygon_ID_col].fillna("no") ).codes viewer.add_points( tracks[["t", "x", "y"]], size=0.1, symbol="x", # face_color="#ffffff00", edge_width=0.03, edge_color="time", name="... used in tracks", properties=props, ) track_properties = { "length": np.clip( pd.merge( tracks, tracks.groupby("n")[["x"]] .count() .rename(columns={"x": "length"}), left_on="n", right_index=True, )["length"].values, a_min=7, a_max=30, ), # "log_D": np.log10( # pd.merge( # tracks[["n"]], # tracks.loc[~tracks.is_last].groupby("n")[["dr_2"]].mean(), # left_on="n", # right_index=True, # )["dr_2"].values # ), # "log_dr": np.log10(tracks["dr_2"].values), } track_properties.update(props) viewer.add_tracks( tracks[["n", "t", "x", "y"]], tail_width=0.2, name="Tracks", tail_length=10, head_length=10, properties=track_properties, )
[docs] def view_polygons(self, viewer = None): if viewer is None: import napari viewer = napari.viewer.Viewer() polygons = [] for p in self.polygon_files: polygon_dict = json.load(open(p, "r")) if len(polygon_dict["x"]) < 3: logging.debug("%s a moins de 3 points, on le supprime" % p) os.remove(p) continue synapse_ID = os.path.split(p)[1].split(".")[0] polygon_path = np.stack( [(x, y) for x, y in zip(polygon_dict["x"], polygon_dict["y"])] ) polygons.append(polygon_path) if len(polygons) > 0: viewer.add_shapes( data=polygons, shape_type="polygon", face_color_cycle=["#AA77CC44", "#77AACC44", "#CC77AA44"], edge_width=0.1, edge_color="red", )